Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today was good.

Juneau pulled me on a sled.
So did Walter.
Jamal went sledding for the first time in his life.

We all trekked about a mile down the road to the Keigley's home, and after shedding my snowclothes I was quickly convinced by three beautiful children to re-don the bundle and return to the snow.

The kids were on sleds. I was either pushing, pulling, running, or some combination of the three. We were all laughing.

After round two of snowplay I entered into a ridiculously loud game of Pit with the adult crowd. Again, we were all laughing.

Then I sat on a couch with friends and tied an old blanket back together while watching some show about the E.R.

After the show Jeff drove me back home in the Bobcat while Laura sat on my lap.

This day was one of the best I have had in a very long time. And there wasn't anything incredibly adventurous about it. I didn't travel to any far off land. I didn't return with loads of pictures. I didn't plan some extravagant logistics spreadsheet and stock up on dehydrated food. I simply joined some wonderful people in playing.

What made today so special? Love. That's all. Just people, gathered together, having fun, sharing love. This is family. This is adventure. This is noteworthy.

This is life.

1 comment:

  1. I love you.
    I for one am so glad that you are momentarily stationary, because greatly increases the chances of us being in the same place in the same moment.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I've had many of the same.
