Sunday, February 14, 2010


There is something invaluable and indescribable about some people in life. My friend Naomi is one of those people. I can't tell you exactly how our lives became so intertwined. All I know is that sometime in college we started hiking together.

Then we went backpacking.

Then we went road tripping.

Then we flew over the ocean to see each other.

And somewhere in all of that adventuring we each gained a lifetime friend. I'm not talkin about just a "hey how are ya" friend. I'm talkin about the kind of friendship that continues despite the fact that right now Naomi is in the Philippines and we have only had one real conversation in the past six months.

How does this work? I honestly have no idea. You'll recall in one of my first posts about adventure (and if you don't then you should go back and read it!) I wrote about the rawness of relationships while on excursions. Looking back, I think this is what makes Naomi such a special person in my life. Conversations with Naomi are always completely honest, non-PC, raw moments in time. I love this about my friend.

Because of this vulnerability that makes her so wonderful, I know that Naomi is having a tough time where she is right now.

Whenever you are thinking about people in your life, please think of this person in mine as well.

Her heart will know.

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